Christian Bateman
Traveling With Toddlers
Traveling with toddlers Vacation: an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home Anyone else experience the opposite of this when they travel with toddlers? Even though I only have one child, I find traveling MUCH more difficult to plan and enjoy with a baby in tow. The main reason is lack of sleep. My first trip to a cabin with my baby resulted in 2-4 hrs of sleep per night—MAXIMUM. I even know some moms who say traveling is completely out of the question until their babies grow up. While vacation is no longer a time...
Christian Bateman
Newborn Must Haves
My Newborn Must Haves As most of you know, I had a sweet baby boy a few weeks ago! He was my third and I feel like I finally had everything together that I loved and wanted, to make coming home smooth and wonderful. I thought I would share the things that made a difference for me! This is a comprehensive list because I felt like when I went places they had just a few items, or some for mom, or just for baby, so I wanted this to be a one stop shop for all the items I couldn't...
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